NIGHT@TheGAME | An event born out of a desire to celebrate the energy that can exist when the arts and athletics are shared together with community. It's an annual event that takes place at a boys or girls basketball game in late November or early December. Join the community band or choir!
Event Photos Here!
Sign up to play in the Community Pep Band before the game
Sign up to sing one song in a Community Choir before the game
**music is available in advance for the band and choir and there will be two practices on Sunday, December 3 & Sunday December 10 @ 6 p.m. (choir) and 7 p.m. (band). You are welcome to play in the band AND sing in the choir that evening!
Don't have your instrument anymore? NO PROBLEM! Let us know what you need and we'll provide you with one from the school.
Sign up here to bring soup/chili or bars!
Help us cheer on the Boys Viking Basketball team with the following
night @ the game evening events:
Soup & Chili feed starting at 5 pm! All free will proceeds will benefit the Kindred Area Arts Partnership. If you'd like to donate a crockpot of YOUR famous soup or chili recipe let us know here or
Community Pep Band between JV and Varsity games.
Community Choir song and the national anthem of Varsity game
NDSAS (North Dakota Student Art Show) will be on display in the high school library featuring several elementary and high school Kindred students
Chuck - A - Ball sponsored by Michelle Borud
Sponsored in part by Thrivent